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Regenerative Farmer Program 

Join our team of regenerative farmers.
Gain access to land, tools, infrastructure and mentorship, and launch your farm business in a supported, low risk environment.

Apply to join at the button below!

About the Program

At Sandown, our primary goal is to support people who want to farm. The Regenerative Farmer Program aims to reduce barriers to new-entrant farmers by providing land access, tools and infrastructure, mentorship and support to help farmers hone their skills and launch their farm businesses in a low-risk environment.

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Land Access

Start your farm business at Sandown Centre in North Saanich.

Sandown offers 1/2 acre parcels to new-entrant farmers looking to start a farm business. We currently have 8 acres of land under cultivation, and hope to bring 20 acres of the land into production over time. If you have an established farm business and are looking to lease land, reach out to us and we will see if we can help acomodate you. 

Mentorship and Support

Our Acting Executive Director, with support from additional summer staff, oversees the Regenerative Farmer Program, and provides on-farm mentorship to the farmers. This includes business and crop plan review, trouble-shooting in the field, farmer meetings, and sometimes a shoulder to cry on. The Acting Executive Director also co-ordinates community workshops in the early spring (before the height of the season) to support deeper learning in specific areas of interest to farmers (financial planning, integrated pest management, etc).

Infrastructure and Tools

We support new entrant farmers with access to infrastructure and tools required for the success of your business.

The program includes access to shared tools and infrastructure.

Tools: A grillo with a power harrow, flail mower, and plow implements rented from Living Lots, weed whacker, broad fork, Jang seeder, flame weeder, ride on mower

Infrastructure: Greenhouse space, cold storage and a wash and pack station.


Regenerative Farming

Farmers are expected to learn and adhere to regenerative practices. Synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and fungicides are not allowed. We are not certified organic but expect that organic standards are followed. See the six principles of regenerative agriculture that we adhere to under About Us > Soil Health.

We encourage crop diversity, interplanting and hedgerows, minimal tillage, and keeping the soil covered. The community of farmers work together to learn and understand how to best utilize these practices in the context of their individual farms.

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Land Restoration

We are improving soil health through regenerative agriculture.

Given the history of the land as a horse racing track and the nature of clay soil, we are dealing with compaction, sections of gravel and coarse material, poor drainage, and invasive species. With that being said, we have seen incredible improvement in soil health since we started farming the land in 2021 using regenerative practices. In addition to the mentorship our team provides, we also include soil testing, analysis, and provide compost when possible.


The cost of the program is based on market research that compared the cost of similar programs in the region and also takes into account site challenges. As a non-profit organization, we want to offer fees at a reasonable rate to encourage new and young farmers to get into sustainable agriculture. Please see the breakdown below:

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1. Fill out the application form below. 

2. A member of the management team will follow up and ask the farmer to submit a business plan, if they think they are potentially a good fit for the program. 

3. Upon reviewing the business plan, the farmer will be asked by a member of the management team to meet on-site, see the plot, and ask any questions.

4. Should both parties wish to continue, the farmer signs the license agreement (3 years - renewable, but can be terminated sooner) and policy book, pays their invoice, receives all onboarding materials (gate codes, safety info, contacts, etc), and gains access to JM's Master Gardener Course and their new plot. 

5. First farmer cohort meeting of the year. As part of the mentorship aspect of the program and to set up the farmer for success, a member of the management team meets with the farmer one-on-one to give more detailed feedback on their business plan and crop plan. 


“This program has enabled me to start, run, and operate my business due to the infrastructure, support, and tools available.”

— Shannon Wiggins, Headwind Farm


"Farming at Sandown gave me the confidence and skill to know that I can farm anywhere."

— Veronique Emmett, Frozen Coast Farm

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The Sandown Centre for Regenerative Agriculture

1810 Glamorgan Rd.

North Saanich, BC

V8L 5S9

​© 2023 Sandown Centre for Regenerative Agriculture

The Sandown Centre is located on the traditional lands of the SENĆOŦEN speaking W̱S͸ḴEM (Tseycum) peoples of the W̱SÁNEĆ First Nations. We recognize, with deep humility and respect, the people who stewarded these lands since time immemorial and the devastation caused by colonization.

Regenerative Agriculture draws from the wisdom and environmental connection that is found in Indigenous food systems throughout history and accross the globe. During colonization, farming as we know it, was used to remove Indigenous people from their ancestral lands and disrupt their traditional foodways, causing widespread suffering and loss of life. Integral to regenerative agriculture is food sovereignty, equity, justice, environmental conservation, and the knowledge that we must care for the earth to care for ourselves. We are committed to working in the spirit of these ideals, and strive towards tangible reconciliation work through land restoration, stewardship, education, food and relationship.

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